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In close cooperation with museum Voorlinden, Kraaijvanger Architects designed a building whose every aspect is arranged in service to the art. The elongated footprint consists of alternating planes of natural stone and transparent glass. The architecture of the museum actively contributes to the experience of nature inside the building. The exhibitions spaces are lighted by natural daylight. The characteristic bright light of the Dutch coast enters the building at an oblique angle, thanks to diagonal ducts arranged over the entire roof. A velum and a roof made of transparent glass, with additional indirect LED lighting incorporated into its construction, ensures that the artworks are being lit in the most natural way, whether it’s on a sunny day or at night. The interior is divided into three general sections in accordance with the museum program: collection presentations (1), temporary exhibitions (2) and permanently installed in situ works (3). The museum is comprised of twenty galleries, an auditorium, a library, an educational space, a conservator’s studio and a museum shop.
Voorlinden Art Museum, Den Haag, Netherlands (Kraaijvanger Architects , 2020) (1)Voorlinden Art Museum, Den Haag, Netherlands (Kraaijvanger Architects , 2020) (2)Voorlinden Art Museum, Den Haag, Netherlands (Kraaijvanger Architects , 2020) (3)Voorlinden Art Museum, Den Haag, Netherlands (Kraaijvanger Architects , 2020) (4)